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How I work    

My approach to treatments is a holistic one, in that I will be treating the person in body, mind and spirit, with the  aim of helping to restore balance and harmony in the person.  

What to expect in a first treatment

In the first acupuncture session, an in-depth history is taken on your general health, your medical history, and your lifestyle, as well as taking your pulses. This helps to form a complete diagnostic picture of your health.  

A treatment plan is then tailored to each individual, based on the diagnosis and their symptoms.  The treatment plan is designed to restore health and wellbeing, and as the condition being treated improves, you may start to notice an increased feeling of wellbeing.

Follow up treatments

Each session begins by following up on the previous treatments, whether there have been any changes to symptoms, then pulses are taken before commencing with the treatment.

Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture and LED light therapy

Each facial acupuncture treatment is tailored to suit you and your skin concerns, targeting facial areas that you want to focus on, such as the jawline, or smoothing fine lines and wrinkles. The facial treatment also uses acupuncture points on the outer ear (Auricular acupuncture), and acupuncture points on the body, which helps to restore balance to the body, and give an overall sense of calm and relaxation.

The facial begins by cleansing the skin, then acupuncture needles are inserted into the ear and body before gently inserting ultra-fine acupuncture needles into the face.  These ultra fine needles cause tiny micro-traumas in the skin's surface, which helps the skin's self-repair process to increase collagen and blood flow to the area.  

The facial treatment is enhanced by the addition of Celluma LED light therapy on the face.  This system emits different wavelengths of light, helping to stimulate skin cell production.  At this point, oxygen therapy can be added (included in the luxury Acupuncture facial). 

Once the needles have been removed, you will be given a toning facial massage using a Guasha tool, an ancient Chinese method which gently strokes the skin with a carved jade or rose stone.  This helps to release facial tension and improve blood flow to the skin, which can result in improving complexion and glow to the skin.  This will then be followed by the application of facial moisturiser or facial oil.  

Unlike Botox or filler treatments, the benefits of Cosmetic facial acupuncture will not only give you glowing skin with a lifted effect, but will leave you with a sense of balance, calm and wellbeing.  The results can be more effective from cumulative sessions over time.

Additional Treatments

Other treatments that may be used in conjunction with Acupuncture, or as a beneficial treatment used on their own are:


Electro-acupuncture involves running a small electric current between two acupuncture needles.  This helps to improve blood flow to the area, stimulating points to release blockages, and is very effective in treating muscular-skeletal pain.


A traditional Chinese medicine therapy where heat is applied to an acupuncture point by using a dried herb, moxa, to warm the body, relax muscles, and strengthen qi.  Moxa is often used in conjunction with acupuncture to enhance the effect of the treatment.

Moxibustion 2Moxibustion 3 Orig


Chinese therapeutic massage which is done over clothing to move energy in the meridians, and stimulate the flow of qi.

Tuina 1Tuina 2


Specialised glass or plastic cups with a vacuum seal are placed on the skin to clear stagnant qi, and stimulate the flow of blood.  As the cups draw congested fluids and toxins to the the skin surface, there is often a discoloration in the skin that looks like a rash, or possibly a bruise.  This is a normal part of the process of clearing stagnant qi in the muscles, and it typically fades in a few days.

Cupping 1Cupping 2


Is a traditional healing technique which has been used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine.  Guasha uses a smooth, round edged tool over lubricated skin to firmly stroke areas of soreness in the body.  This helps to break up congestion in the muscles and tendons, helping to increase blood flow to the area, and clear stagnant qi.

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